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How to handle dashboard link in email notifications when sharing content

In a client application that embeds a dashboard page, if you want the share link in the embedded dashboard page to be the client application URL instead of the embedded dashboard URL, you need to configure the "Host Web Portal" in the client application settings:

Host Web Portal

If you set the "Host Web Portal" value to be the URL of the client application, when you share the dashboard via email:

Share Dashboard Email

The link in the email would be a url like:


You can see it's the client application URL, not the embedded dashboard URL. However, in this URL, the url-encoded result of the embedded dashboard url is still stored in the value of the query parameter mstrLibraryLink. In the above case, it's the url-encoded result of

So the client application could use this URL to recover the status of the embedded dashboard page. It could get the embedded dashboard url via the parameter mstrLibraryLink like this:

// The original embeded dashboard URL. Would be used if there is no "mstrLibraryLink" parameter
let dossierUrl =
// The logic to get the embedded dashboard URL
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const mstrLibraryLink = url.searchParams.get("mstrLibraryLink");
// Use this URL to replace the original URL if you want
if (mstrLibraryLink) {
dossierUrl = mstrLibraryLink;

url: dossierUrl,
placeholder: document.getElementById("containerA"),