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Embedding context

The embeddingContext object a service object that would persist in the whole embedding lifecycle.

The embeddingContext object could be created as below:

try {
const embeddingContext = await microstrategy.embeddingContexts.embedLibraryPage({
serverUrl: "",
placeholder: document.getElementById("dossierContainer"),
} catch (err) {
// Your custom error handling logic here

The embedLibraryPage() function above can be replaced to the other functions under the embeddingContexts namespace, include:

  • embedDossierConsumptionPage(props)
  • embedReportPage(props)

This embeddingContext object could be used when the user navigates between different types of pages. It has several fields:

  • libraryPage: used for call the APIs that interact with the Library homepage. The detailed APIs could be seen in Library page APIs
  • dossierConsumption: used for call the APIs that interact with the dashboard consumption page. The detailed APIs could be seen in Dashboard consumption page APIs
  • botConsumptionService used for call the APIs that interact withe the bot consumption page. The detailed APIs could be seen in Bot consumption page APIs

If the current embedded page is the Library homepage, and the user uses the manipulation object of the other pages, like embeddingContext.dossierConsumption to call the APIs of the other page, there would be an error.

Besides the APIs on different types of pages, there are still some APIs that could be used on all kinds of pages, so we put them under the embeddingContext object. Include:

Embedding context APIs

registerEventHandler(evtName, handler)




See the identical function in Event handlers.

removeEventHandler(evtName, handler)




See the identical function in Event handlers.

addCustomErrorHandler(handler, showErrorPopup)




See the identical function in Custom error handling after dashboard creation.





See the identical function in Custom error handling after dashboard creation.





See the identical function in Session error handling after dashboard creation.





See the identical function in Session error handling after dashboard creation.



This API could be used to navigate to an arbitrary page on the OOTB Library.



Input Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionIs Required
pageInfo.applicationIdstringThe application ID, which must be a GUID.false
pageInfo.projectIdstringThe project ID, which must be a GUID.false
pageInfo.objectIdstringThe object ID, which must be a valid object id.false
pageInfo.pageKeystringThe page key.false
pageInfo.isAuthoringbooleanGo to the authoring page or not.false

The API call like embeddingContext.goToPage() will navigate to the homepage.

Return type

This API would return a Promise that resolves to an object, whose serialized json is like:

"redirect": true

The value of the redirect field denotes the page is changed or not. For the case that input pageInfo points to the current page, the value of redirect would be false.

If it encounters an error in its executing process, the error would be thrown and could be caught.


try {
await embeddingContext.goToPage({
applicationId: "3580143DAA42D06B0440D7814C39E562",
projectId: "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
objectId: "EC70648611E7A2F962E90080EFD58751",
pageKey: "W69",
isAuthoring: false,
} catch (err) {
// The other error handling logic here

API Errors

Error CaseError CategoryHandling ModuleError Handling
The input parameter fails input validationInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The request url isn’t valid, like the invalid project, object id, or pageKeyInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The other cases that the user can’t open the pageOtherNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object

The case "the input parameter fails input validation" contains:

  • The field value's data type isn't right
  • objectId and projectId don't exist at the same time
  • pageKey, isAuthoring appears when objectId and projectId don't exist