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Edit migrations and migration groups

Available since 2021 Update 9

Starting in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 9, you can edit migrations and migration groups before importing. You can edit the names of migrations or migration groups and the objects within them, but not their type or purpose. You can edit migrations and migration groups for all types and purposes, except for uploaded migrations. However, you must pay attention to a migration's package and import statuses. You cannot edit migrations with a package status of 'creating' or 'locked'. You also cannot edit migrations with an import status of 'approved' or 'requested'. As expected, a migration group containing such a migration also cannot be edited.


Privileges and authorization

Only Architect users can validate migrations. An Architect must have the following privileges:

  • Create package

To execute the API, you must get the authorization token by executing the POST /api/auth/login request, and get a "X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" token in the response body. Keep the token value. See Authentication for more information.

Use scenarios

The best practice scenario is when Workstation uses one Library server as a source and another Library server as a target. The source and target environments can be the same.

You can only edit the package before it is migrated. This means the package status must be created or created_failed and the import status of the migration must be pending or rejected. You must edit the migration in the source environment.

Edit Migrations

1. Get the full content of the migration

Endpoint: GET /api/migrations/{migrationId}?showContent=all

This call gets the full content of the migration to prepare it for editing. Use the showContent=all query parameter, to can get tocView and treeView. Save packageInfo in the response body and use it for the next step.

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // authtoken from Authorization response.

Sample Response Body:

"id": "09ADA2DD251F4927A442451C0100EA16:EA55B5338588411689E838FEC3A8EAA3",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "09ADA2DD251F4927A442451C0100EA16",
"name": "object_migration_test",
"replicated": false,
"type": "project",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2023-03-07T08:50:59.527+0000",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2023-03-07T08:50:33.267+0000",
"environment": {
"id": "sss_project_package_id",
"name": "sss project package name"
"storage": {
"size": 703230,
"path": "mstr/shared/migrations/packages/2023-03-07/9DDDCDEF8A334FBAA98E47E0E8300CF9.mmp"
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"status": "created",
"message": "",
"progress": 100.0,
"deleted": false,
"existing": true,
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "0DFE6FB4356F4FA2A0C1C10D0B415355",
"name": "Add",
"version": "1F348F3E11EB7C9D8F150080EF651EEA",
"type": 11,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2008-12-22T14:51:20.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T03:53:04.000+0000",
"action": "force_replace",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "8D679D3711D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Category",
"version": "21D7619E11EB7C9D8F150080EF753EEA",
"type": 12,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2001-01-02T20:48:11.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T03:53:08.000+0000",
"action": "use_newer",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "D8EE8AEC11E794390FF00080EF053519",
"name": "DossierTest",
"version": "62D8E88A11EB7CA13A550080EFC5563B",
"type": 55,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2017-09-08T02:03:03.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T04:23:35.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "1334ECBB11E78F4D109F0080EFD55D0D",
"name": "SaveAsDocumentTest",
"version": "6283BF7211EB7CA13A950080EFE5963B",
"type": 55,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2017-09-01T19:38:06.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T04:23:35.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "811B7AEB11EB53EF4E920080EFE51106",
"name": "ReportDataSource",
"version": "2CE7AC0F11EB7CA92C0E0080EF455F4D",
"type": 3,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2021-01-11T09:29:29.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T05:19:21.000+0000",
"action": "replace",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "8BC2E91D4AA8E9A14E7FBAB740B5B932",
"name": "MD partition",
"version": "22C4810411EB7C9D8F150080EF753EEA",
"type": 15,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2012-12-26T03:44:12.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T03:53:10.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "F0B5CE694B42895AC7EE4C81433BD6D3",
"name": "Cost Target",
"version": "230C4E6C11EB7C9D8F150080EF651EEA",
"type": 13,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2009-02-16T10:17:19.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T03:53:10.000+0000",
"action": "use_older",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "0451E0F3418DEDB7468C7F94D59E231D",
"name": "Choose Custom Group",
"version": "C38F6AE011EB7CA2A3000080EF9572D2",
"type": 10,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2006-06-30T11:42:27.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T04:33:27.000+0000",
"action": "delete",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"purpose": "object_migration",
"treeView": "{\"treeViewType\":\"project\",\"treeViewSettings\":{\"updateSchema\":[],\"aclOnReplacingObjects\":\"use_existing\",\"aclOnNewObjects\":[\"keep_acl_as_source_object\"],\"defaultAction\":\"force_replace\"},\"treeViewContent\":[{\"id\":\"D8EE8AEC11E794390FF00080EF053519\",\"type\":55,\"action\":\"use_existing\",\"includeDependents\":null},{\"id\":\"811B7AEB11EB53EF4E920080EFE51106\",\"name\":null,\"type\":3,\"action\":\"replace\"}]}"
"importInfo": {
"id": "EA55B5338588411689E838FEC3A8EAA3",
"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2023-03-07T08:50:33.268+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2023-03-07T08:50:33.268+0000",
"environment": {
"id": "sss_project_package_id",
"name": "sss_project_import_name"
"status": "pending",
"importRequestStatus": "pending",
"undoRequestStatus": "pending",
"progress": 0.0,
"message": "",
"undoStorage": {},
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "name"
"deleted": false
"version": "2"

Step 2: Edit the migration package info

Endpoint: PUT /api/migrations/{migrationId}/packageInfo

This call triggers migration editing in Library. This API can only be called by an Architect user when the package status of the migration is created or created_failed and the import status of the migration is pending or rejected.

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // authtoken from Authorization response.
"prefer": "respond-async"

All required fields are in packageInfo, which is in the response body that you saved in step 1. You cannot modify the values ​​of type and purpose, but you can modify name, and the content of tocView and treeView as needed.

Sample Request Body:

"type": "project",
"name": "Object_Migration_edit",
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "1334ECBB11E78F4D109F0080EFD55D0D",
"name": "SaveAsDocumentTest",
"type": 55,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false
"id": "8D679D3711D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Category",
"type": 12,
"action": "use_newer",
"includeDependents": false
"id": "F0B5CE694B42895AC7EE4C81433BD6D3",
"name": "Cost Target",
"type": 13,
"action": "use_older",
"includeDependents": false
"id": "0DFE6FB4356F4FA2A0C1C10D0B415355",
"name": "Add",
"type": 11,
"action": "force_replace",
"includeDependents": false
"id": "0451E0F3418DEDB7468C7F94D59E231D",
"name": "Choose Custom Group",
"type": 10,
"action": "delete",
"includeDependents": false
"id": "8BC2E91D4AA8E9A14E7FBAB740B5B932",
"name": "MD partition",
"type": 15,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false
"treeView": {
"treeViewType": "project",
"treeViewSettings": {
"updateSchema": [],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "use_existing",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["keep_acl_as_source_object"],
"defaultAction": "force_replace"
"treeViewContent": [
"id": "D8EE8AEC11E794390FF00080EF053519",
"type": 55,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": null
"id": "811B7AEB11EB53EF4E920080EFE51106",
"name": null,
"type": 3,
"action": "replace"

Sample Response Body:

"id": "335B6F5DFA7847769F12E88E868EB103",
"status": "creating",
"progress": 0.0

3. Get the edit status of the migration

Endpoint: GET /api/migrations/{migrationId}

Since package editing is an asynchronous process, this call checks the creation status, which is usually creating, created, or create_failed.

Repeat this step until you get packageInfo as "status": "created".

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // auth token from Authorization response.

Sample Response Body:

"id": "652323369FB24BC1BDCEE7DF4F674FA5:E00475B02F6A40ABB135B4A026B9BA75",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "652323369FB24BC1BDCEE7DF4F674FA5",
"name": "Object_Migration_edit",
"replicated": false,
"type": "project",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2023-03-08T09:49:39.893+0000",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2023-03-08T09:48:50.325+0000",
"environment": {
"id": "sss_project_package_id",
"name": "sss project package name"
"storage": {},
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"status": "creating",
"message": "",
"progress": 0.0,
"deleted": false,
"existing": true,
"purpose": "object_migration"
"importInfo": {
"id": "E00475B02F6A40ABB135B4A026B9BA75",
"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2023-03-08T09:48:50.325+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2023-03-08T09:48:50.325+0000",
"environment": {
"id": "sss_project_package_id",
"name": "sss_project_import_name"
"status": "pending",
"importRequestStatus": "pending",
"undoRequestStatus": "pending",
"progress": 0.0,
"message": "",
"undoStorage": {},
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "name"
"deleted": false
"version": "2"

4. Modify the certifications state in the source and target environment

Endpoint: PATCH /api/migrations/{migrationId}/packageInfo/certification

This endpoint can modify the certifications state in the source environment. This API can only be called when packaged is "created". Architect can request/rervers request with this API. Administrator can certify/decerfiy packages or groups, approve/reject request with this API. Normal requests just require states in the request body, but the sync action requires the modified user and modified date additionally. To maintain consistency between the source and target operations, the request body sent to the target must contain the operator and update date information.

Request Headers

X-MSTR-AuthTokenHeaderAuthorization token

Request Parameters

NameLocated inDescriptionRequiredType
migrationIdPathMigration IDYesstring
autoSyncqueryTrigger certification stateNoboolean

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // auth token from Authorization response.
"prefer": "respond-async"

Request Body

Sample Request Body for requesting certification:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "requested"

Sample Request Body for reverting certification:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "uncertified"

Sample Request Body for approving certification:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "certified"

Sample Request Body for rejecting certification:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "rejected"

Sample Request Body to decertify package:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "uncertified"

Sample Request Body to modify certification status on target environment:

"packageInfo": {
"certification": {
"status": "certified",
"operator": {
"id": "xxx",
"name": "xx",
"fullName": "xxx"
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-03-30T19:54:27.205+0000"

Sample Request to trigger a certification state sync process in the backend


Query parameter : autosync=true


When the API call is successful, it returns response code 204 with no response body.

Edit migration groups

1. Get migration group content

Endpoint: GET /api/migrationGroups/{{migrationGroupId}}?showContent=all

This call gets the full content of the migration groups to prepare the import call.

Save the response body and use it for the next step.

Sample Response Body:

"id": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE:FB6A954D2AB14BB09E2F98B72E634224",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"sourceEnvironment": {
"id": "environment_url_src",
"name": "environment_src"
"targetEnvironment": {
"id": "environment_url_tar",
"name": "environment_tar"
"treeView": "{}",
"importRequestStatus": "approved",
"undoRequestStatus": "pending",
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:50:56.718+0000",
"migrations": [
"id": "ACEE65A19AD34FA38200A3D59BA879A9:0AE4FFDD4289481084005D39EF516FB4",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "ACEE65A19AD34FA38200A3D59BA879A9",
"groupId": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"replicated": false,
"purpose": "migration_group",
"type": "configuration",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:50:56.716+0000",
"storage": {
"size": 3006,
"path": "mstr/shared/migrations/packages/2022-09-08/5C3AEA3CFBF349559C25C41903F36048.mmp"
"project": {},
"status": "locked",
"message": "",
"progress": 100.0,
"deleted": false,
"existing": true,
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": [],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "989875724CB91A7EC2E365BD0228EB50",
"name": "User_Korean",
"version": "385DE21942CBD4AD3BFED28070A54C7E",
"type": 34,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2008-12-23T09:17:03.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2017-04-11T20:16:37.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "configuration_object"
"importInfo": {
"id": "0AE4FFDD4289481084005D39EF516FB4",
"groupId": "FB6A954D2AB14BB09E2F98B72E634224",
"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:50:56.717+0000",
"status": "pending",
"progress": 0.0,
"message": "",
"undoStorage": {},
"project": {},
"deleted": false
"id": "61794A98597D45B684BB9C711295BB9B:597576B451BB46CFBDD29FB71EC5CC98",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "61794A98597D45B684BB9C711295BB9B",
"groupId": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"replicated": false,
"purpose": "migration_group_child",
"type": "project",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:50:56.717+0000",
"storage": {
"size": 130139,
"path": "mstr/shared/migrations/packages/2022-09-08/B0D001993B754E569C9E4FE6C3879EA3.mmp"
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "Category"
"status": "locked",
"message": "",
"progress": 100.0,
"deleted": false,
"existing": true,
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "0DFE6FB4356F4FA2A0C1C10D0B415355",
"name": "Add",
"version": "1F348F3E11EB7C9D8F150080EF651EEA",
"type": 11,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2008-12-22T14:51:20.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2022-09-05T04:36:32.000+0000",
"action": "force_replace",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"id": "1334ECBB11E78F4D109F0080EFD55D0D",
"name": "SaveAsDocumentTest",
"version": "6283BF7211EB7CA13A950080EFE5963B",
"type": 55,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2017-09-01T19:38:06.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T04:23:35.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"importInfo": {
"id": "597576B451BB46CFBDD29FB71EC5CC98",
"groupId": "FB6A954D2AB14BB09E2F98B72E634224",
"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:50:56.718+0000",
"status": "pending",
"progress": 0.0,
"message": "",
"undoStorage": {},
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "name"
"deleted": false
"version": "1"

Step 2: Edit the migration group

Endpoint: PUT /api/migrationGroups/{{migrationGroupId}}

This call triggers migration group editing in Library.

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // auth token from Authorization response.
"prefer": "respond-async"

Sample Request Body:

Use the response body you saved in step 1 and change name, treeView, and migrations as needed.

"name": "MultiPackageMultiProject_edit",
"treeView": {},
"migrations": [
"packageInfo": {
"type": "project",
"purpose": "migration_group",
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "D8EE8AEC11E794390FF00080EF053519",
"type": 55,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": true
"importInfo": {
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"packageInfo": {
"type": "project",
"purpose": "migration_group",
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "D8EE8AEC11E794390FF00080EF053519",
"type": 55,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": true
"importInfo": {
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"packageInfo": {
"type": "project",
"purpose": "migration_group",
"project": {
"id": "E8D198774597EEDA4848F4962AC42A01",
"name": "Testing3"
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": ["recal_table_logical_size"],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
"defaultAction": "keep_both"
"content": [
"id": "233AE5EF48F48E84B4626D8E0E8806DE",
"type": 55,
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false
"importInfo": {
"project": {
"id": "E8D198774597EEDA4848F4962AC42A01",
"name": "Testing3"

Step 3: Get the edit status of the migration group

Endpoint: GET /api/migrationGroups/{{migrationGroupId}}?showContent=all

Since package group editing is an asynchronous process, this call checks the creation status, which is usually empty, locked, creating, created, or create_failed. Apply a 'fail fast' strategy in handling package group creation. This means that if the creation of a package fails, the entire package group creation fails.

Repeat this step until you get migrations[*].packageInfo.status as created for all package migrations.

If you find that the status of one package is creating and other packages have a status of empty or created, the migration group is still being edited, so you can continue to repeat this step. If you find a package with a status of create_failed, this means the migration group failed to be edited and you can choose to return to the step 2 and edit the migration group again.

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // auth token from Authorization response.

Sample Response Body:

"id": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE:FB6A954D2AB14BB09E2F98B72E634224",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"sourceEnvironment": {
"id": "environment_url_src",
"name": "environment_src"
"targetEnvironment": {
"id": "environment_url_tar",
"name": "environment_tar"
"treeView": "{}",
"importRequestStatus": "pending",
"undoRequestStatus": "pending",
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:41.426+0000",
"migrations": [
"id": "ACEE65A19AD34FA38200A3D59BA879A9:0AE4FFDD4289481084005D39EF516FB4",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "ACEE65A19AD34FA38200A3D59BA879A9",
"groupId": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"replicated": false,
"purpose": "migration_group",
"type": "configuration",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:28.144+0000",
"storage": {
"size": 3006,
"path": "mstr/shared/migrations/packages/2022-09-08/5C3AEA3CFBF349559C25C41903F36048.mmp"
"project": {},
"status": "created",
"message": "",
"progress": 100.0,
"deleted": false,
"existing": true,
"tocView": {
"settings": {
"updateSchema": [],
"aclOnReplacingObjects": "replace",
"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
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"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2008-12-23T09:17:03.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2017-04-11T20:16:37.000+0000",
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"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "configuration_object"
"importInfo": {
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"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
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"project": {},
"deleted": false
"id": "61794A98597D45B684BB9C711295BB9B:597576B451BB46CFBDD29FB71EC5CC98",
"packageInfo": {
"id": "61794A98597D45B684BB9C711295BB9B",
"groupId": "11C09927B0B748A6970AE958CBD44FCE",
"name": "test_migrationGroup",
"replicated": false,
"purpose": "migration_group_child",
"type": "project",
"creator": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:41.426+0000",
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"path": "mstr/shared/migrations/packages/2022-09-08/B0D001993B754E569C9E4FE6C3879EA3.mmp"
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"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
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"aclOnNewObjects": ["inherit_acl_as_dest_folder"],
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"content": [
"id": "0DFE6FB4356F4FA2A0C1C10D0B415355",
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"type": 11,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2008-12-22T14:51:20.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2022-09-05T04:36:32.000+0000",
"action": "force_replace",
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"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
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"type": 55,
"owner": {
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608"
"dateCreated": "2017-09-01T19:38:06.000+0000",
"dateModified": "2021-03-04T04:23:35.000+0000",
"action": "use_existing",
"includeDependents": false,
"explicitIncluded": true,
"level": "project_object"
"importInfo": {
"id": "597576B451BB46CFBDD29FB71EC5CC98",
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"creator": {},
"creationDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-08T06:47:19.599+0000",
"status": "pending",
"progress": 0.0,
"message": "",
"undoStorage": {},
"project": {
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "name"
"deleted": false
"version": "1"

Step 4: Modify the certifications state in the source and target environment

Endpoint: PATCH /api/migrationGroups/{migrationGroupId}/certification

This endpoint can be used to update a migration group's certification status or trigger a process to syncronize the status. If query parameter 'autoSync' is true, the migration group's certification status is synchronized with shared environment via storage service. The request body is ignored. Otherwise, the certification status is updated with the definition of request body.

Request Headers

X-MSTR-AuthTokenHeaderAuthorization token

Request Parameters

NameLocated inDescriptionRequiredType
migrationGroupIdPathMigration Group IDYesstring
autoSyncqueryTrigger certification stateNoboolean

Sample Request Header:

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "ns42kvi9lb36ae7g3scphn0ga9" // auth token from Authentication response.
"prefer": "respond-async"

Request Body

Sample Request Body for requesting certification:

"status": "requested"

Sample Request Body for reverting certification:

"status": "uncertified"

Sample Request Body for approving certification:

"status": "certified"

Sample Request Body for rejecting certification:

"status": "rejected"

Sample Request Body to decertify package:

"status": "uncertified"

Sample Request Body to modify certification status on target environment:

"status": "certifed",
"operator": {

Sample Request to trigger a certification state sync process in the backend


Query parameter : autosync=true


When the API call is successful, it returns response code 204 with no response body.


To improve performance, MicroStrategy suggests you edit one migration or migration group per session and time.


A migration or migration group created in an earlier platform version can be edited in the newer platform version.


  • The user should have Architect privileges in both source and target environments.
  • Due to databases being distributed across environments, make sure to connect to the source environment when viewing migration status.
  • Project information must be provided in the request body when editing migrations or migration groups.
  • Requests to edit migrations are subject to the restrictions for creating migrations, as are editing migration groups.


  • If the Library server cannot connect to the database, you may receive the following error:

    • The API requires MicroStrategy Storage Service. Please contact your administrator.
    • This can occur due to the following reasons:
      • Database is not running
      • Database version is lower than required
      • Database configuration is missing or invalid in
  • If your storage location is not configured property, you may receive the following message: