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Monitor and manage cube caches

Available since 2021


You can try out this workflow at REST API Playground.

Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

The status of a cube tells you how the cube is currently being used and whether reports/dashboards can access the cube. For example, if a cube is deactivated, reports that access that cube fail to execute. Cube status is accessed through the System Monitors in Developer. All published cubes have an entry in the cube monitor. Deleting an entry from the cube monitor unpublishes the cube.

Instructions to access the cube cache monitor in Developer

  1. Open MicroStrategy Developer.

  2. In the left pane, navigate to Administration > System Monitors > Caches > Intelligent Cubes to access the cube cache list.


  3. Right-click a cube to access the cube cache actions.


  4. Choose Quick View to access cube cache details.


Cube cache monitoring is exposed through the following REST APIs:

GET /api/monitors/caches/cubesFetch cube caches on an specific intelligence server node.
GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}Get cache information for a single cube.
GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/aggregatedUsagesGet aggregated cube cache capacity usage information by user or project.
PATCH /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}Alter cache status for a specific cube.
GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/manipulations/{id}/statusGet cache manipulation status.
DELETE /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}Delete a single cube cache.

The workflow sample below demonstrates how to:

  1. Fetch the cube cache list.
  2. Get cache info for a single cube.
  3. Fetch aggregated cube cache capacity usage information by project or user.
  4. Alter cube cache status for a specific cube.
  5. Get cube cache manipulation status information.
  6. Delete a cube cache.

Fetch the cube cache list

Endpoint: GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes

This endpoint fetches the cube cache list on a specific Intelligence server node.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
clusterNodeCluster node namequerystringtrue
projectIdsThe project ID collection that is used for filtering data. For example:'B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F6E2,A232EDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F6E2'querystringfalse
state.loadedStateFilters all loaded cube caches. Valid input is "loaded".querystringfalse
sortBySpecifies sorting criteria. For example, "-size" sorts in descending order by size.querystringfalse
offsetStarting point within the collection of returned results. Used to control paging behavior. Default value is 0.queryintfalse
limitMaximum number of items returned for a single request. Used to control paging behavior. Default value is 1000.

The sortBy query parameter allows input such as "+size", "-size", and "size". If you do not specify sort fields, it returns the default sorting data from Intelligence server and the supported sorting fields in the order shown below:

  • Name
  • Size
  • Hit count
  • Last update time
  • Status
  • Project
  • Owner

Output design

Fill in the sample below to design your own output.

"offset": 0,
"limit": 0,
"total": 0,
"loaded": 0,
"unloaded": 0,
"cubeCaches": [
"id": "string",
"projectId": "string",
"source": {
"id": "string",
"type": "cube",
"name": "string"
"state": {
"active": false,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": false,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "loadPending" //"loadedState" can be 'loaded','unloaded','loadPending', 'unloadPending'
"errorMessage": "",
"lastUpdateTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"hitCount": 0,
"size": 0,
"creatorId": "string",
"creatorName": "string",
"lastUpdateJob": 0,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"historicHitCount": 0,
"databaseConnection": ["string"],
"fileName": "string",
"dataLanguage": "string",
"rowCount": 0,
"columnCount": 0

Output example

"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 100,
"loaded": 20,
"unloaded": 70,
"cubeCaches": [
"id": "363249D447A5EF245AD51AB916CA4904:B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F:MTAuMjMuNS44NQ==",
"projectId": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"source": {
"name": "C02_callctr_image",
"id": "6226ADDD47920CB034078BABA1673960",
"type": "cube"
"state": {
"active": false,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": true,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "unloaded"
"lastUpdateTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"hitCount": 0,
"size": 101376,
"creatorName": "Administrator",
"creatorId": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"lastUpdateJob": 632,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"historicHitCount": 121,
"fileName": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Intelligence Server\\Cube\\serverdefinition\\Server_tec-w-004832_PB19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F\\363249D447A5EF245AD51AB916CA4904.cube",
"rowCount": 39,
"columnCount": 8

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
Cluster node doesn't existThe cluster node ''0'' is not connected or canonical name, you should use the cluster node name from the GET /api/monitors/iServer/nodes503
offset is invalidThe offset value {offset} is not valid, it must be greater than or equal to 0400
limit is invalidThe limit value {limit} is not valid, it must be greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to 1000400
projectIds is invalidAt least one of GUID provided in the list is not valid400
status is invalidInvalid filter field state.loadedState input ''0'', it should like: 'loaded'400
sortBy is invalidInvalid sortBy input '{sortBy input}', it should like: ^[+ -]{0,1}(cubeName size | hitCount | lastUpdateTime | status | project | owner)400

Get cache information for a single cube

Endpoint: GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}

This endpoint gets cache information for a single cube.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
idCache IDpathstringtrue

Output design

Fill in the sample below to design your own output.

"id": "string",
"projectId": "string",
"source": {
"id": "string",
"type": "cube",
"name": "string"
"state": {
"active": false,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": false,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "loadPending" //"loadedState" can be 'loaded','unloaded','loadPending', 'unloadPending'
"errorMessage": "",
"lastUpdateTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"hitCount": 0,
"size": 0,
"creatorId": "string",
"creatorName": "string",
"lastUpdateJob": 0,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"historicHitCount": 0,
"databaseConnection": ["string"],
"fileName": "string",
"dataLanguage": "string",
"rowTotalCount": 0,
"columnTotalCount": 0,
"jobExecutionStatistics": {
"startTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"finishTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"sqlDuration": 0,
"analyticalEngineDuration": 0,
"otherDuration": 0,
"rowCount": 0,
"columnCount": 0,
"tempTablesCount": 0,
"totalPassedCount": 0,
"sqlPassesCount": 0,
"analyticalEnginePassesNumber": 0,
"errorMessage": "string",
"accessedTables": [
"name": "string"
"queryPasseInfos": [
"rowCount": 0,
"columnCount": 0,
"startTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"finishTime": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"duration": 0,
"sqlStatement": "string"

Output example

"id": "363249D447A5EF245AD51AB916CA4904:B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F:MTAuMjMuNS44NQ==",
"projectId": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"source": {
"name": "C02_callctr_image",
"id": "6226ADDD47920CB034078BABA1673960",
"type": "cube"
"state": {
"active": false,
"dirty": false,
"infoDirty": false,
"persisted": true,
"processing": false,
"loadedState": "unloaded"
"lastUpdateTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"hitCount": 0,
"size": 101376,
"creatorName": "Administrator",
"creatorId": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"lastUpdateJob": 632,
"openViewCount": 0,
"creationTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"historicHitCount": 121,
"fileName": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MicroStrategy\\Intelligence Server\\Cube\\serverdefinition\\Server_tec-w-004832_PB19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F\\363249D447A5EF245AD51AB916CA4904.cube",
"rowCount": 39,
"columnCount": 8,
"jobExecutionStatistics": {
"startTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:16",
"finishTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"sqlDuration": 619,
"analyticalEngineDuration": 0,
"otherDuration": 620,
"rowCount": 39,
"columnCount": 8,
"tempTablesCount": 0,
"totalPassedCount": 2,
"sqlPassesCount": 2,
"analyticalEnginePassesCount": 0,
"errorMessage": "",
"accessedTables": [
"name": "LU_CALL_CTR"
"name": "LU_EMPLOYEE"
"name": "LU_REGION"
"queryPasseInfos": [
"rowCount": 39,
"columnCount": 8,
"startTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:16",
"finishTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"duration": 615,
"sqlStatement": "select\tdistinct a11.CALL_CTR_ID CALL_CTR_ID,\n\ta12.CENTER_NAME CENTER_NAME,\n\t'images\\1.jpg' CustCol_13,\n\ta11.EMP_ID EMP_ID,\n\ta11.EMP_LAST_NAME EMP_LAST_NAME,\n\ta11.EMP_FIRST_NAME EMP_FIRST_NAME,\n\ta12.REGION_ID REGION_ID,\n\ta13.REGION_NAME REGION_NAME\nfrom\tLU_EMPLOYEE\ta11\n\tjoin\tLU_CALL_CTR\ta12\n\t on \t(a11.CALL_CTR_ID = a12.CALL_CTR_ID)\n\tjoin\tLU_REGION\ta13\n\t on \t(a11.COUNTRY_ID = a13.COUNTRY_ID and \n\ta12.REGION_ID = a13.REGION_ID)"
"rowCount": 0,
"columnCount": 0,
"startTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"finishTime": "2018-02-12 07:15:17",
"duration": 4,
"sqlStatement": "[Populate Report Data]"

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
cacheId is invalidInvalid cube cache Id '{cacheId}'404
cacheId does not exist in Intelligence serverThe cube cache '{cacheId}' is not found in Intelligence server404
cacheId is invalid with an invalid cluster node (based on code 64) in itThe cluster node ''{0}'' is not connected or canonical name, you should use the cluster node name from the GET /api/monitors/iServer/nodes503

Fetch aggregated cube cache capacity usage information

Endpoint: GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/aggregatedUsages

This endpoint fetches aggregated cube cache capacity usage information by project or user.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
clusterNodeCluster node namequerystringtrue
aggregateByAn enum to control aggregated cache size by object. Aggregation is currently supported by project and user. Default value is project.queryenum stringtrue

Output design

Fill in the sample below to design your own output. We recommend you specify all sizes in bytes across your REST APIs.

"aggregatedCacheUsages": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"currentUsage": 0,
"capacity": 0 // Capacity just for project level, not for user level

Output example for grouping by project

"aggregatedCacheUsages": [
"id": "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial",
"currentUsage": 178000,
"capacity": 280000 // Capacity just for project level, not for user level
"id": "132D3C9F414694BC371BAE94EF08D339",
"name": "New Project for Quota",
"currentUsage": 0,
"capacity": 290000 // Capacity just for project level, not for user level
"id": "4D5AD5814107623836895EB96B70B0E1",
"name": "VLDBInherit",
"currentUsage": 0,
"capacity": 260000 // Capacity just for project level, not for user level

Output example for grouping by user

"aggregatedCacheUsages": [
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator",
"currentUsage": 238000
"id": "C1E141A811D603A2100086B3A5E8F8A4",
"name": "Developer",
"currentUsage": 106500

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
Cluster node doesn't existInvalid cluster node name {clusterNode}400
groupByObject is invalidThe group by object {groupByObject} is invalid, currently just support group by user or project400

Alter cube cache status for a specific cube

Endpoint: PATCH /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}

This endpoint alters cube cache status for a specific cube, on a specific node.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
idCache IDpathstringtrue
PreferAllows client to set preferences. Execute asynchronous mode with respond-async.headerstringtrue

Body input

The following change status actions are supported: active, deactive, load, and unload.

"state": {"active":true}
"state": {"loadedState":"loaded"}
"state": {"loadedState":"unLoaded"}

Body input example

"state": { "active": false }

Output design

Fill in the sample below to design your own output. This sample is for a successful response code of 202 (Accepted). The response location header includes a URI where this same status can be retrieved, so that the client stays up-to-date.

"manipulationId": "XXXXXXXXX",
"status": "executing"

Output example

"manipulationId": "3D9062444858D2D5A25BF891E575A297:MTAuMjMuNi4yMDY=",
"status": "executing"

Prerequisite condition details

Check the cube prerequisite status for action in the REST-API side.

ActionRequired status to perform action
DeactivateAlways available
UnloadAlways available
DeleteAlways available

An invalid action input, which is the code validation logic on the REST-API side, produces the following errors:

Current StateActionError
Not persisted and not activeActiveThe cube cache ''0'' is not persisted. The cube cache must be persisted before active it
Not active and not loadedLoadThe cube cache ''0'' is not active. The cube cache must be active before loading it

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
Invalid cacheIdInvalid cube cache Id '{cacheId}'400
cacheId doesn't exist in Intelligence serverThe cube cache '{cacheId}' is not found in Intelligence server404
Unsupported status inputunsupported statue input, currently just support formats: {"active":boolean} or {"loaded":boolean}400

Get cube cache manipulation status information

Endpoint: GET /api/monitors/caches/cubes/manipulations/{id}/status

This endpoint get cube cache manipulation status information.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
idCache manipulation IDpathstringtrue

Output design

Fill in the sample below to design your own output. This sample is for a response status code of 200.

"status": "string", // status is an enum string
"statusDetail": "String"

For each enum state:

  • When the manipulation is “ready“ it means the manipulation was processed successfully,
  • When the manipulation is “executing“ it means the manipulation is still processing,
  • When the manipulation is “error“ it means the manipulation finished with an error.
  • When the manipulation is “requestHandlingFailed“ it means the manipulation request failed. This request is handled by Intelligence server.

Output example

This example is for a response status code of 200.

"status": "ready"

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
cacheId is invalidInvalid manipulation id 0400

Delete a cube cache

Endpoint: DELETE /api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cacheId}

This endpoint deletes a cube cache.

API parameter details

ParameterDescriptionParameter TypeData TypeIs Required
X-MSTR-AuthTokenAuthorization tokenheaderstringtrue
idCache IDpathstringtrue

Output design

Successful response code 204 (no content).

Error handling

Invalid InputError MessageHTTP Response Code
Invalid cacheIdInvalid cube cache Id '{cacheId}'400
cacheId doesn't exist in Intelligence serverThe cube cache '{cacheId}' is not found in Intelligence server404