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Create a new fence

Available since 2021 Update 6


You can try out this workflow at REST API Playground.

Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

You want to create an administrator_user_fence user fence which reserves env-296739laio1use1 node and configured for Administrator user/usergroups.

The user ID is 54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608. The usergroup ID is E96685CD4E60068559F7DFAC7C2AA851.

DssXmlPrivilegesConfigureServerBasic and DssXmlPrivilegesUseClusterMonitor privileges are required to create a new user fence.


Obtain the authorization token needed to execute the request using POST /api/auth/login.

Create a new fence

Endpoint: POST /api/v2/iserver/fences.

Sample Request Header:

"accept": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "g97nfc2l7icgsb37vjdh4b6gcu"

Sample Request Body:


The name, rank and nodes are mandatory fields for both types of fences. The user or usergroup information is mandatory for the user fence only.

"rank": 1,
"name": "administrator_user_fence",
"type": "user_fence",
"nodes": ["env-296739laio1use1"],
"users": [
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"usergroups": [
"id": "E96685CD4E60068559F7DFAC7C2AA851",
"name": "Administrator"
"projects": [
"id": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"

Sample Curl:

curl -X POST \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-MSTR-AuthToken: g97nfc2l7icgsb37vjdh4b6gcu' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"rank": 1,
"name": "administrator_user_fence",
"type": "user_fence",
"nodes": ["env-296739laio1use1"],
"users": [
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"usergroups": [
"id": "E96685CD4E60068559F7DFAC7C2AA851",
"name": "Administrator"
"projects": [
"id": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"

Sample Response Body:


users and usergroups can be configured only for user fence, therefore the response body for workload fence should contain empty users and usergroups fields.

You can view the detailed information of new created administrator_user_fence user fence in the body of the response. The detailed information includes rank, name, type, reserved nodes, configured users, usergroups and projects.

"rank": 1,
"name": "administrator_user_fence",
"type": "user_fence",
"nodes": ["env-296739laio1use1"],
"users": [
"id": "54F3D26011D2896560009A8E67019608",
"name": "Administrator"
"usergroups": [
"id": "E96685CD4E60068559F7DFAC7C2AA851",
"name": "Administrator"
"projects": [
"id": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754",
"name": "MicroStrategy Tutorial"
"id": "YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcl91c2VyX2ZlbmNl"

Response Code: 201 (The new user fence is created successfully.)