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Filter data


You can try these workflows with REST API Playground.

Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

You can use REST API requests to filter data that is returned and to retrieve information about filters that were applied:

Filter report and cube instances

You can use the following REST APIs to filter the data that is returned when you create an instance of a report or cube:

  • POST /api/reports/{reportId}/instances
  • POST /api/cubes/{cubeId}/instances

Because these filters are applied to instances, they are not persisted.

You define how the data should be filtered in the body parameter of the request. You can filter the data that is returned in the following ways:

If you use both a viewFilter and a requestedObjects parameter in the HTTP request, the view filter will be applied first. The requested objects definition will then be applied to the filtered results (a subset of the cube data), rather than to the cube data itself.

Filter dashboard instances

You can use the following REST APIs to filter the data that is returned when you create or update an instance of a dashboard, including clearing the filter selections.

  • POST /api/dossiers/{dossierId}/instances Create an instance of a specific dashboard with the existing filter applied, including clearing all of the current filter selections.
  • PUT /api/dossiers/{dossierId}/instances/{instanceId}/filters Execute an existing dashboard instance with new filter selections, including clearing all of the current filter selections.

We have provided a workflow sample that illustrates how to create an instance of a dashboard with an existing filter applied, and then re-execute the same dashboard instance with updated selections for the same filter.

For detailed information about filtering data in dashboards, see the MicroStrategy product help.

Retrieve filters applied in dashboard chapters

You can use the following REST API to get information about the filter applied in each chapter in a specific dashboard, including the key and name of the filter, a text summary of the filter expression, and information for the filter source.

  • GET /api/dossiers/{dossierId}/definition

Retrieve filters applied to a visualization in a dashboard

You can use the following REST API request to return information about the filters that were applied to a visualization in a dashboard:

  • GET /api/dossiers/{dossierId}/instances/{instanceId}/chapters/{chapterKey/visualizations/{visualizationKey}

The following types of filters are applied at specific points in the data aggregation process.