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Retrieve the hierarchy of document

Available since 2021 Update 10


Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

This workflow sample demonstrates how to retrieve the document definition directly using the MicroStrategy REST API.

You want to retrieve the document's definition from “MicroStrategy Tutorial“ project. The document ID is 643209B54CC84199C48A238ACB6CB621. The project ID is B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F.


Obtain the authorization token needed to execute the request using POST /api/auth/login.

Retrieve the hierarchy of a document directly

Retrieve hierarchy of a document by document ID in a specific project.

Request URL

GET /api/documents/{id}/definition

Sample Curl Request

curl -X 'GET' '' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-MSTR-AuthToken: 7tb1sp0u7te3t73fvu5qn368r' \
-H 'X-MSTR-ProjectID: B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F'

Request Headers

X-MSTR-AuthTokenHeaderAuthorization token
X-MSTR-ProjectIDHeaderProject ID

Query Parameters

fieldsQueryComma-separated, top-level field whitelist that allows the client to selectively retrieve part of the response model.


If successful, this API call returns a 200 OK status code along with the hierarchy of a document in the response body. The response body follows the DocumentTreeDefinition schema.

Sample Response

"id": "643209B54CC84199C48A238ACB6CB621",
"name": "Cockpit",
"datasets": [
"name": "Cockpit Dataset",
"id": "E0B145DF4EC22379FDC3AEAD21392EB2",
"availableObjects": [
"id": "8D679D4F11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Subcategory",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D4A11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Quarter",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D4B11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Region",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D3711D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Category",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "4C05177011D3E877C000B3B2D86C964F",
"name": "Revenue",
"type": "metric"
"id": "4C051DB611D3E877C000B3B2D86C964F",
"name": "Profit",
"type": "metric"
"id": "A0458DCF46FC7BECE12290A486E30E85",
"name": "Last Quarter's Revenue",
"type": "metric"
"id": "07DED03E4B9E165A6E273FABEFF78E89",
"name": "Last Quarter's Profit",
"type": "metric"
"id": "2680DF9E11D5C3FEC0000B881FDA1A4F",
"name": "Profit Margin",
"type": "metric"
"id": "2EB83FAB41D98A679CE415913E82D0DD",
"name": "Last Quarter's Profit Margin",
"type": "metric"
"id": "1FAF96994873E7CEFC71BDB269522636",
"name": "Profit Forecast",
"type": "metric"
"id": "8D7D59C144AB891C57FEFA873ABE1C92",
"name": "Revenue Forecast",
"type": "metric"
"id": "C701B0A045218C0949793BB6499CCECB",
"name": "Profit Margin Forecast",
"type": "metric"
"rows": [
"id": "8D679D4F11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Subcategory",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D4A11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Quarter",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D4B11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Region",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"id": "8D679D3711D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Category",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "CCFBE2A5EADB4F50941FB879CCF1721C",
"name": "DESC",
"dataType": "varChar",
"baseFormCategory": "DESC",
"baseFormType": "text"
"columns": [
"id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"name": "Metrics",
"type": "templateMetrics",
"elements": [
"name": "Revenue",
"id": "4C05177011D3E877C000B3B2D86C964F",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Profit",
"id": "4C051DB611D3E877C000B3B2D86C964F",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Last Quarter's Revenue",
"id": "A0458DCF46FC7BECE12290A486E30E85",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Last Quarter's Profit",
"id": "07DED03E4B9E165A6E273FABEFF78E89",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Profit Margin",
"id": "2680DF9E11D5C3FEC0000B881FDA1A4F",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Last Quarter's Profit Margin",
"id": "2EB83FAB41D98A679CE415913E82D0DD",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Profit Forecast",
"id": "1FAF96994873E7CEFC71BDB269522636",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Revenue Forecast",
"id": "8D7D59C144AB891C57FEFA873ABE1C92",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"name": "Profit Margin Forecast",
"id": "C701B0A045218C0949793BB6499CCECB",
"type": "metric",
"dataType": "unknown"
"pageBy": []
"currentLayout": "K3",
"layouts": [
"key": "K3",
"name": "Layout 1",
"visualizations": [
"key": "K17",
"name": "GridGraph1",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "K36",
"name": "GridGraph3",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "W112",
"name": "GridGraph112",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "W83",
"name": "GridGraph83",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "K45",
"name": "GridGraph4",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "K46",
"name": "GridGraph5",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "W31",
"name": "GridGraph31",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"key": "W29",
"name": "GridGraph29",
"visualizationType": "grid"
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"name": "Text40",
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"name": "Text78",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W89",
"name": "Text87",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W90",
"name": "Text87",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W91",
"name": "Text87",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W92",
"name": "Text87",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W99",
"name": "Line97",
"fieldType": "line"
"key": "W98",
"name": "Line97",
"fieldType": "line"
"key": "W97",
"name": "Line97",
"fieldType": "line"
"key": "W95",
"name": "Line95",
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"name": "Line96",
"fieldType": "line"
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"name": "Text23",
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"key": "W25",
"name": "Text23",
"fieldType": "text"
"panelStacks": [
"key": "W142",
"name": "Panel Stack142",
"panels": [
"key": "W143",
"name": "Panel143",
"visualizations": [],
"fields": [
"key": "W117",
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"key": "W116",
"name": "Line116",
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"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W43",
"name": "Text42",
"fieldType": "text"
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"name": "Text148",
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"name": "Text144",
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"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W45",
"name": "Text42",
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"name": "Text42",
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"key": "K21",
"name": "Text1",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "W149",
"name": "Text148",
"fieldType": "text"
"key": "K23",
"name": "Text3",
"fieldType": "text"
"currentPanelKey": "W143"
"key": "K2",
"name": "",
"visualizations": []
"key": "K16",
"name": "",
"visualizations": []

The datasets field contains an array of availableObjects, rows, columns, and pageBy where each object represents an element.

  • The attribute element includes properties such as id, name, type and forms.
  • The metric element includes only id, name, and type properties.

The layouts field contains an array of visualizations, fields, and panelStacks where each object represents either visualization, field, or panel stack.

  • The visualization object includes properties such as key, name, and visualizationType.
  • The field object includes properties such as key, name, and fieldType.
  • The panel stack object includes properties such as key, name, currentPanelKey and array of panels. Every object in the panels arrays represents a panel object.
    • The panel object includes properties such as key, name, and an array of visualizations, fields.

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
400Bad Request
404Not Foun
500Internal Server Error