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Modify a KPI object

Available since 2021 Update 10

This workflow sample demonstrates how to modify a KPI object owned by a user.


Obtain the authorization token needed to execute the request using POST /api/auth/login.

1. Get KPI id and project id

See Get KPIs for user to get all KPIs that belong to a user.

From the response body, get the KPI ID and project ID of the KPI object that you want to modify.

2. Modify KPI

Endpoint: PATCH /api/insight/KPIs/{id}

Sample Request Header:

"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "evvk84kcucn8abon6c1qfbud7"
"X-MSTR-ProjectID": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754"

Sample Request Body:

This API only supports name and configString modifications. See KPI fields explanation for detailed explanations of these two fields.

"name": "New KPI name",
"configString": "{\"reversedPalette\":false,\"selectedDataCompare\":\"1d\"}"

Sample Curl:


Replace {id} in PATCH /api/insight/KPIs/{id} with the KPI ID from step 1.

curl -X 'PATCH' \
'' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-MSTR-AuthToken: evvk84kcucn8abon6c1qfbud7' \
-H 'X-MSTR-ProjectID: B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754' \
-d '{
"name": "New KPI name",
"configString": "{\"reversedPalette\":false,\"selectedDataCompare\":\"1d\"}"

Sample Response:

Response CodeStatus
200KPI deleted successfully.
404Cannot find the KPI object with given id and project id.
400Error in modifying KPI, e.g., another KPI object with same name already exists.

Sample Response Body on success:

"id": "6769BB1E41AEB9B14008B5A0F205E6C2",
"name": "New KPI name",
"dateCreated": "2023-02-28T09:03:23.792Z",
"dateModified": "2023-02-28T09:28:52.865Z",
"schedule": {
"id": "CA5683F942AD1F8529627D945B254A4A",
"name": null,
"recurrenceIntervalInHour": 1
"content": {
"id": "859CD270446ABFB6F7DDC5AD4481EE78",
"type": 55,
"name": "Test1"
"configString": "{\"reversedPalette\":false,\"selectedDataCompare\":\"1d\"}",
"disabled": false,
"bookmarkId": "910B225245513DA9617A0A9FFC8E1E0E",
"subscriptionId": "75D225054A4A9A528D0B2DB98FDE5E85",
"kpiTarget": {
"chapterKey": "K36",
"pageKey": "K53",
"nodeKey": "K52",
"kpiObjects": [
"id": "7FD5B69611D5AC76C000D98A4CC5F24F",
"type": 4,
"name": "Cost"
"elements": []
"hashInfo": {
"defn": {
"id": "f352e1353fc90cc4df89debd4d36c9dee48e7882a650f9b761c921e196a8302f",
"validUntil": null

Sample Response Body on Error:

"code": "-2147217373",
"message": "(An object with name 'New KPI name' and type 'KPI' already exists in the destination folder.)"