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Get applicable properties for a project

Available since 2021 Update 8


You can try out this workflow at REST API Playground.

Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

This workflow sample demonstrates how to retrieve the applicable properties of a project through Modeling Service.

You want to get the applicable properties of the MicroStrategy Tutorial Project object. The object ID is 6851110C470AF40EB46B559D5098F309.


Get the authorization token needed to execute the request with POST /api/auth/login.

Get the project ID from GET /api/projects.

Retrieve the applicable properties using GET /api/model/projects/{projectId}/applicableAdvancedProperties.

Sample Request Header:

"accept": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "cs0intmf1fgij7ao0v2v0j48e5"
"X-MSTR-ProjectID": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754"

Sample Request Body: Empty

Sample Curl:

curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "X-MSTR-AuthToken: cs0intmf1fgij7ao0v2v0j48e5" \
-H "X-MSTR-ProjectID: B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754"

Sample Response Body:

You can view the applicable properties of a project in the body of the response.

"propertyCount": 2,
"applicableProperties": {
"[VLDB Select].[Allow Cartesian Join]": {
"name": "Allow Cartesian Join",
"groupId": 1,
"groupName": "Joins",
"maxValue": 2,
"displayType": "options",
"displayName": "Cartesian Join Governing",
"showSqlPreview": true,
"options": [
"value": "Choosing this option keeps the backward compatibility with MicroStrategy 2019 where SQL queries are governed by \"Cartesian Join Warning\" VLDB setting.",
"sqlPreview": "OBSOLETE - Keep backward compatibility with MicroStrategy 2019."
"value": "Cancel execution of cartesian join for SQL, MDX, In-Memory queries.",
"sqlPreview": "This VLDB setting only works for Data Engine Version 2020 or above. Choosing this option disallows cross join execution for SQL, MDX and In-Memory queries."
"value": "Execute cartesian join for SQL, MDX, In-Memory queries.",
"sqlPreview": "This VLDB setting only works for Data Engine Version 2020 or above. Choosing this option allows cross join execution for SQL, MDX and In-Memory queries."
"type": "int32",
"defaultValue": 0
"[VLDB Select].[Join Across Datasets]": {
"name": "Join Across Datasets",
"groupId": 2,
"groupName": "Metrics",
"maxValue": 1,
"displayType": "options",
"displayName": "Join Across Datasets",
"showSqlPreview": false,
"options": [
"value": "Disallow joins based on unrelated common attributes",
"sqlPreview": "Metrics"
"value": "Allow joins based on unrelated common attributes",
"sqlPreview": "Metrics"
"type": "int32",
"defaultValue": 0
"sqlDynamicPreview": "[VLDB Report].[Report PreStatement 1]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PreStatement 2]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PreStatement 3]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PreStatement 4]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PreStatement 5]\n\n[VLDB Create].[Table PreStatement 1]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PreStatement 2]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PreStatement 3]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PreStatement 4]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PreStatement 5]\n\ncreate [VLDB Create].[Table Qualifier] table [VLDB Create].[Table Descriptor] [VLDB Create].[Table Prefix] TABLENAME [VLDB Create].[Table\nOption] (ATTRIBUTE_COL1 VARCHAR(20) [VLDB Create].[Attribute ID Constraint] , FORM_COL2 CHAR(20), [Attribute non-ID Constraint] FACT_COL3\nFLOAT) [VLDB Create].[Table Space]\nprimary index (ATTRIBUTE_COL1, FORM_COL2) [VLDB Create].[Create PostString]\n\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PreStatement 1]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PreStatement 2]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PreStatement 3]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PreStatement 4]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PreStatement 5]\n\n[VLDB Insert].[Bulk Insert String] insert into TABLENAME [VLDB Insert].[Insert Table Option] select [VLDB Select].[SQL Hint] A1.COL1 [VLDB\nSyntax].[Mid Name Alias Pattern] COLUMN1ALIAS, A2.COL2 [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name Alias Pattern] COLUMN2ALIAS, A3.COL3 [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name\nAlias Pattern] COLUMN3ALIAS from TABLE1 A1, TABLE2 A2, TABLE3 A3 where A1.COL1 = A2.COL1 and A2.COL4=A3.COL5 [VLDB Insert].[Post Insert\nString]\n\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert MidStatement 1]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert MidStatement 2]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert MidStatement 3]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert MidStatement 4]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert MidStatement 5]\n\n[VLDB Insert].[Bulk Insert String] insert into TABLENAME [VLDB Insert].[Insert Table Option] select [VLDB Select].[SQL Hint] A1.COL1 [VLDB\nSyntax].[Mid Name Alias Pattern] COLUMN1ALIAS, A2.COL2 [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name Alias Pattern] COLUMN2ALIAS, A3.COL3 [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name\nAlias Pattern] COLUMN3ALIAS from TABLE4 A1, TABLE5 A2, TABLE6 A3 where A1.COL1 = A2.COL1 and A2.COL4=A3.COL5 [VLDB Insert].[Post Insert\nString]\n\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PostStatement 1]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PostStatement 2]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PostStatement 3]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PostStatement 4]\n[VLDB Insert].[Insert PostStatement 5]\n\ncreate [VLDB Create].[Index Qualifier] index [VLDB Create].[Index Prefix] IDX_TEMP1(STORE_ID, STORE_DESC) [VLDB Create].[Index PostString]\n\n[VLDB Create].[Table PostStatement 1]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PostStatement 2]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PostStatement 3]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PostStatement 4]\n[VLDB Create].[Table PostStatement 5]\n\nselect [VLDB Select].[SQL Hint] A1.STORE_NBR [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name Alias Pattern] STORE_NBR, max(A1.STORE_DESC) [VLDB Syntax].[Mid Name\nAlias Pattern] METRICALIAS from LOOKUP_STORE A1 A1.STORE_NBR = 1 group by A1.STORE_NBR [VLDB Select].[SELECT PostString]\n\n[VLDB Report].[Report PostStatement 1]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PostStatement 2]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PostStatement 3]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PostStatement 4]\n[VLDB Report].[Report PostStatement 5]\n[Drop Table PreStatement 1]\n\ndrop table TABLENAME\n\n[Drop Table PostStatement 1]\n[VLDB Drop].[Post Cleanup Statement 1]\n[VLDB Drop].[Post Cleanup Statement 2]\n[VLDB Drop].[Post Cleanup Statement 3]\n[VLDB Drop].[Post Cleanup Statement 4]\n[VLDB Drop].[Post Cleanup Statement 5]"

Response Code: 200 (The applicable properties of a project were returned successfully.)