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Get a question with bot routing

Available since MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024)

This workflow sample demonstrates how to get a question with bot routing.


Obtain the authorization token needed to execute the request using POST /api/auth/login.

Get a question with bot routing

Endpoint: GET /api/questions/{questionId}


Replace {questionId} in GET /api/questions/{questionId} with your question ID from POST /api/questions.

Sample Request Body: No request body.

Sample Curl:

curl '' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'X-MSTR-AuthToken: evvk84kcucn8abon6c1qfbud7' \

Sample Response Code:

Response CodeStatus
200Successfully returned the question from the bot that has been answered
202Successfully returned the question from the bot which is still being processed
400Error in getting the question from the bot
401Authorization failed
404Question does not exist

Response Body on Success

The response is the question from the bot in the application.

Response when the question is still being processed

If the response code is 202, indicating that the question is still being processed, continue calling this API to check the status of the question.

If the question is being processed, the response is:

"id": "9161386651E84054A6230796C84E12C5:68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B:FCC1C28296014AB19ABD877E60590890",
"text": "Analyze the distribution of cooking times for recipes",
"answers": [],
"creationDate": "2024-03-08T09:01:43.154+0000"

If the answer is ready, but the image is not, the response is:

"id": "9161386651E84054A6230796C84E12C5:68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B:FCC1C28296014AB19ABD877E60590890",
"text": "Analyze the distribution of cooking times for recipes",
"answers": [
"bot": { "id": "68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B" },
"text": "The distribution of cooking times for recipes is as follows:\n- The shortest cooking time is -1 minute.\n- The majority of recipes have cooking times ranging from 2 to 60 minutes.\n- There are a few recipes with longer cooking times, such as 75, 90, 120, and 720 minutes.\n- The exact distribution of cooking times can be seen in the visualization result.",
"type": "visualization",
"data": {
"id": "23C84B94AA29486D9F503D1A4B2AC53B"
"creationDate": "2024-03-08T09:01:43.154+0000"

Response when all data is ready

If the status code is 200, indicating that the question has been answered, the response varies depending on the type of answer.

Text answer:

"id": "9161386651E84054A6230796C84E12C5:68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B:FCC1C28296014AB19ABD877E60590890",
"text": "Analyze the distribution of cooking times for recipes",
"answers": [
"bot": { "id": "68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B" },
"text": "The distribution of cooking times for recipes is as follows:\n- The shortest cooking time is -1 minute.\n- The majority of recipes have cooking times ranging from 2 to 60 minutes.\n- There are a few recipes with longer cooking times, such as 75, 90, 120, and 720 minutes.\n- The exact distribution of cooking times can be seen in the visualization result.",
"type": "text"
"creationDate": "2024-03-08T09:01:43.154+0000"

Markdown answer:

"id": "9161386651E84054A6230796C84E12C5:68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B:FCC1C28296014AB19ABD877E60590890",
"text": "Analyze the distribution of cooking times for recipes",
"answers": [
"bot": { "id": "68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B" },
"text": "#Title 1\nThe distribution of cooking times for recipes is as follows:\n- The shortest cooking time is -1 minute.\n- The majority of recipes have cooking times ranging from 2 to 60 minutes.\n- There are a few recipes with longer cooking times, such as 75, 90, 120, and 720 minutes.\n- The exact distribution of cooking times can be seen in the visualization result.",
"type": "markdown"
"creationDate": "2024-03-08T09:01:43.154+0000"

Answer with visualization:

"id": "9161386651E84054A6230796C84E12C5:68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B:FCC1C28296014AB19ABD877E60590890",
"text": "Analyze the distribution of cooking times for recipes",
"answers": [
"bot": { "id": "68696ADB633946B4B430ABD959433B3B" },
"text": "The distribution of cooking times for recipes is as follows:\n- The shortest cooking time is -1 minute.\n- The majority of recipes have cooking times ranging from 2 to 60 minutes.\n- There are a few recipes with longer cooking times, such as 75, 90, 120, and 720 minutes.\n- The exact distribution of cooking times can be seen in the visualization result.",
"type": "visualization",
"data": {
"id": "23C84B94AA29486D9F503D1A4B2AC53B"
"images": [{ "id": "79FD176AEAD9446395B083B5931E9EC7", "width": 800, "height": 600 }]
"creationDate": "Date string"

To obtain the image for this type of answer, make a GET request to api/questions/{questionId}/answers/images/{imageId}. The image is only generated if the request asks for an image.