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Prompt execution errors

Available since 2021 Update 1

Various errors can occur during prompt execution. Some errors can happen with all types of prompts, and others occur only for specific types of prompts. Some causes of errors during prompt execution include:

  • Incorrect input:
    • ID for the prompt does not exist in the object (dossier, document, or report)
    • Name for the prompt does not exist in the object (dossier, document, or report)
    • Attribute element or name could not be found in the attribute element list prompt
    • ID (objectId) for an object prompt does not exist in the metadata or could not be found
    • Answer for a value prompt is outside of the expected range
    • Answer for a value prompt is of an unexpected data type
  • Issues in the workflow:
    • The caller attempts to dismiss required prompts
    • The caller attempts to answer the prompt with no answers but the prompt requires them

Errors that apply to all prompt types

  • Bad request. JSON is not formatted properly.

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "Unexpected character ('\"' (code 34)): was expecting a colon to separate field name and value \n at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 4, column: 13]",
    "ticketId": "307a1fbcc6394306b0c41f302d6ec5d6"
  • Message inbox could not be found

    HTTP - 404

    "code": "ERR004",
    "iServerCode": -2147468986,
    "message": "(Message not found in user history list. It may have been deleted from other session already. Please refresh your history list.)",
    "ticketId": "a57588a29fa646e2b167d3bc1d182446"
  • Unable to identify prompt based on key

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "Failed to locate the prompt by either key: G46842D548C9F0CEEDD3979528480FE5@0@10, please verify this information is correct.",
    "ticketId": "30190f8b9f6b477f88229cc150b6b2ad"
  • Unable to identify prompt based on name

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "Failed to locate the prompt by either name: my prompt, please verify this information is correct.",
    "ticketId": "66e6e02e57fc4b5db7ba6cc9109f8b1e"
  • Unable to identify prompt based on ID

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "Failed to locate the prompt by either id: 138C60BC4999F6BEEFBFAFB970770A3F, please verify this information is correct.",
    "ticketId": "af62ab2e10b64a7d8b45f267ac4e4c1d"
  • Provided prompt type does not match actual WebPrompt prompt type (type provided in the JSON helps with serialization of the object)

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "The supplied prompt type OBJECTS for prompt A46842D548C3F0CEEDD3979528480FE5@0@10 does not match, this prompt is of type VALUE please verify this information.",
    "ticketId": "61ddb2cc60be4d4d8d6d4cd05b07da51"
  • Attempted to answer with default answers, but the prompt does not have any

    HTTP - 400

    "code": "ERR006",
    "message": "The supplied prompt type OBJECTS for prompt A46842D548C3F0CEEDD3979528480FE5@0@10 does not match, this prompt is of type VALUE please verify this information.",
    "ticketId": "61ddb2cc60be4d4d8d6d4cd05b07da51"

Prompt-specific errors

Code samples for prompt-specific errors are provided below.

  • Errors That Occur Only for Attribute Element Prompts

    • Incorrect attribute element format

    • Unable to find attribute element by name

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "Unable to find elements that match 1234 for prompt name: Elements of Year key: 040A30DF43F18A2DFC208A8F4AC0A931@0@10.",
      "ticketId": "1f32bda3146e46539ce36f6d77f3ce66"
    • Unable to find attribute element by ID

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "Prompt validation failed. This is a required prompt.",
      "ticketId": "411a15817f3e4c9d862513ccc8390170"
    • Too few elements provided

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of attribute elements for prompt name: Elements of Year key: 040A30DF43F18A2DFC208A8F4AC0A931@0@10 does not meet the minimum required(2} answers.",
      "ticketId": "d5dd190613944873a2c40ac0c2b995db"
    • Too many elements provided

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of attribute elements for prompt name: Elements of Year key: 040A30DF43F18A2DFC208A8F4AC0A931@0@10 exceeds the maximum allowed(2} answers.",
      "ticketId": "35a8c3ffb18d4105aaaaa15df38dcb1e"
    • Incorrect attribute element format for attribute element prompt

  • Errors That Occur Only for Object Prompts

    • Too many prompt answers provided

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of objects provided for prompt name: Predefined list of objects key: 12FF3D5D43A6A17E8847FB9304FEA1E1@0@10 exceeds the maximum allowed(3} answers",
      "ticketId": "5352773f8b1440a9891911bc2cdd05b4"
    • Too few prompt answers provided

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of objects provided for prompt name: Predefined list of objects key: 12FF3D5D43A6A17E8847FB9304FEA1E1@0@10 does not meet the minimum required(3} answer.",
      "ticketId": "3439cf127157448abfb621998868ad19"
  • Errors That Occur Only for Value Prompts

    • Incorrect data type provided for answer

    • Text length too short

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of characters provided for prompt name: Value (Text) key: CF604AA948AF21CBC67AF98FBA614E0F@0@10 does not meet the minimum required(2} text length.",
      "ticketId": "67fb558e27c34d6e816a8a17920a23eb"
    • Text length too long

      HTTP - 400

      "code": "ERR006",
      "message": "The number of characters provided for prompt name: Value (Text) key: CF604AA948AF21CBC67AF98FBA614E0F@0@10 exceeds the maximum allowed(5) text length.",
      "ticketId": "67fb558e27c34d6e816a8a17920a23eb"