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Error messages for view filters

When you use a view filter to refine the data in a report or cube instance, you may receive HTTP 400 response code and the following error messages:

Invalid inputError message
Attribute ID is invalidInvalid attribute id - {attribute ID}
eEement ID is invalidInvalid element id - {element ID}
Metric ID is invalidInvalid metric id - {metric ID}
Attribute form ID is invalidInvalid attribute form id - {attribute form ID}
Attribute ID and form ID do not matchIndex out of range
Operator is wrongInvalid operator - (through reference chain:["viewFilter"])
Operands's count does not match corresponding operatorThere should be {operands's count} operands for operator - {operator}
Operand's type is invalidJackson validation error such as: Could not resolve type id 'attribute2' as a subtype of [simple type, class]: known type ids = [attribute, constant, constants, elements, form, metric] (for POJO property 'operands') at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 6, column: 17] (through reference chain:["viewFilter"]->["operands"]→java.util.ArrayList[index])
Operator does not support operand's typeThe operands type combination of {operands' types} is not supported for operator - {input operator}
Data type for metric is invalidInvalid constant data type for metric qualification - {dataType}
Data type for constant in attribute form qualification is invalidInvalid constant data type for attribute form qualification - {dataType}
Metric ID does not belong to current report or cubeFailed to find the metric {id} in the report or cube.
Attribute ID does not belong to current report or cube.Failed to find the attribute {id} in the report or cube.