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Supported constant data types for view filters

When a constant is used in a view filter qualification, you need to explicitly specify the data type. The table below lists the constant data types that are supported for view filters.

Supported data types for numeric values

TypeSupport qualification AttributeSupport qualification FormDescription
RealYYIEEE 754 32-bit single-precision floating point number.
BigDecimalYYArbitrary-precision singed big decimal number. Range: Unlimited digits before and after decimal point
Int64Y64-bit signed integer. Range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Supported data types for date and time


Date and time are written as session-locale-specific string.

TypeSupport qualification AttributeSupport qualification FormDescription
DateYYDate. Range: 1899/12/30~65535/12/31
TimeYTime of day, precision in milliseconds.
TimeStampYDate + Time (an absolute point of time)

Supported data types for text

TypeSupport qualification AttributeSupport qualification FormDescription