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Retrieve a base formula's definition within a changeset

Available since 2021 Update 5


You can try out this workflow at REST API Playground.

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This workflow sample demonstrates how to retrieve a base formula's definition within a changeset.


An authorization token allows the API layer to hide internal session-related implementations such as managing different project-specific sessions. Once the REST API layer has validated the user's credentials using the specified authentication mode, it initiates a session with the Intelligence server and creates a unique authorization token for the client.

You want to get the definition of the "Cost" related base formula object, which is defined as ”Sum(Cost)” and named as “base_sum(Cost)“. The object ID of the base formula is 594A680CB5894B25BD3AE8BB47AAF424  in the MicroStrategy Tutorial project. The project ID is B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754.

For different formats of base formula expressions, please refer to Retrieve a base formula's definition.


Get the authorization token needed to execute the request with POST /api/auth/login.

Get the project ID from GET /api/projects.

Get the definition of the specified base formula ID within a changeset using GET /api/model/formulas/{formulaId}

Sample Request Header:

"accept": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "4bb7n1dhjo860e7tlpchg57hl"
"X-MSTR-MS-Changeset": "2A131744C91B4915B54A61FFDC528F62"

Sample Request Body: Empty

Sample Curl:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-MSTR-AuthToken": "4bb7n1dhjo860e7tlpchg57hl" -H "X-MSTR-MS-Changeset: 2A131744C91B4915B54A61FFDC528F62"

Sample Response Body:

You can view the base formula's definition in the body of the response, including the information, attributes, and relationships of this specified base formula.

headerX-MSTR-authTokenThe authorization token
headerX-MSTR-MS-ChangesetThe changeset ID.
paramsshowExpressionAsOmitted, tree, or tokens:
- If omitted, the expression is returned in only “text“ formats.
- If tree, the expression is returned in "text" and "tree" formats.
- If tokens, the expression is returned in "text" and "tokens" formats.

Sample Request Header:

"accept": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "4bb7n1dhjo860e7tlpchg57hl"
"X-MSTR-MS-Changeset": "2A131744C91B4915B54A61FFDC528F62"

Sample Request Body: Empty

Sample Curl:

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-MSTR-AuthToken": "4bb7n1dhjo860e7tlpchg57hl" -H "X-MSTR-MS-Changeset: 2A131744C91B4915B54A61FFDC528F62"

Sample Response Body:

You can view the base formula's definition in the body of the response, including the expression of this specified base formula.

"information": {
"dateCreated": "2022-03-03T03:36:08.382Z",
"dateModified": "2022-03-03T03:36:08.382Z",
"versionId": "CAF77F9B432CD7FE85F2F390621F38F2",
"primaryLocale": "en-US",
"objectId": "594A680CB5894B25BD3AE8BB47AAF424",
"subType": "agg_metric",
"name": "base_sum(Cost)"
"expression": { "text": "Sum(Cost)" }

Response Code: 200 (Base Formula's definition is returned successfully.)