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Create a datamart from a source report

Available since 2021 Update 7

This workflow sample demonstrates how to create a new datamart object from a source report through the Modeling service.

You want to create a datamart from a source report with the object ID of 0D0E80754CC1987C52F9BCB317E6941D and put the newly created datamart into the destination folder of 8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459. The project ID is B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754.


An authorization token allows the API layer to hide internal session-related implementations such as managing different project-specific sessions. Once the REST API layer has validated the user's credentials using the specified authentication mode, it initiates a session with the Intelligence Server and creates a unique authorization token for the client.

Get the authorization token needed to execute the request with POST /api/auth/login.

Get the project ID from GET /api/projects.

Create a new datamart

Endpoint: POST /api/model/datamarts

The response can change based on the request parameters provided by the caller. Use the following parameters:

headerX-MSTR-authTokenThe authorization token.
headerX-MSTR-ProjectIDThe project ID.
paramssourceReportIdThe ID of the source report that you want to create datamart from.
paramsshowFilterTokensSpecify whether the Datamart’s "filter" is returned in "tokens" format, along with "text" and "tree" formats.
paramsshowExpressionAsSpecify the format in which the expressions are returned in response, applied to the expressions in a fact or attribute and custom expressions used in a filter, prompt, security filter, custom group, etc.
paramsshowAdvancedPropertiesSpecify whether the datamart’s definition is returned with advanced properties.

To create the new datamart from existing report , you need to submit the request body with the correct information. Other fields except information and datamartOptions would be ignored even if they’re provided.

In information, you need to provide name, destinationFolderID for the datamart you want to create.

Sample Request Body:

"information": {
"destinationFolderId": "8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459",
"name": "demo datamart"
"datamartOptions": {
"append": true,
"targetSource": {
"objectId": "05AC49F849389A20A6C9C19A3105A69B",
"subType": "db_role",
"name": "Statistics"
"tableName": "MD_TEST",
"placeholderIncluded": true,
"datamartProperties": {
"[DatamartProperties].[Create Table Post String]": {
"name": "Create Table Post String",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Insert SQLs]": {
"name": "Insert SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Execution Time]": {
"name": "Maximum Execution Time",
"value": "0",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Rows]": {
"name": "Maximum Rows",
"value": "65536",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Post SQLs]": {
"name": "Post SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Pre SQLs]": {
"name": "Pre SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Descriptor]": {
"name": "Table Descriptor",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"

Sample Curl:

curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-MSTR-AuthToken: 20tpft1324b71ubo9emqesv5u7' \
-H 'X-MSTR-ProjectID: B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "demo datamart"
"datamartOptions": {
"append": true,
"targetSource": {
"objectId": "05AC49F849389A20A6C9C19A3105A69B",
"subType": "db_role",
"name": "Statistics"
"tableName": "MD_TEST",
"placeholderIncluded": true,
"datamartProperties": {
"[DatamartProperties].[Create Table Post String]": {
"name": "Create Table Post String",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Insert SQLs]": {
"name": "Insert SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Execution Time]": {
"name": "Maximum Execution Time",
"value": "0",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Rows]": {
"name": "Maximum Rows",
"value": "65536",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Post SQLs]": {
"name": "Post SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Pre SQLs]": {
"name": "Pre SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Descriptor]": {
"name": "Table Descriptor",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"

Sample Response Body:

You can view the new datamart definition in the body of the response.

"information": {
"dateCreated": "2022-09-08T08:23:53.645Z",
"dateModified": "2022-09-08T08:23:53.645Z",
"versionId": "D71F41E547AE966037017D97FFA04CA9",
"acg": 255,
"primaryLocale": "en-US",
"objectId": "93C339024786A4EA0A7B0CADDFFD7BC1",
"subType": "report_datamart",
"name": "demo datamart"
"sourceType": "normal",
"dataSource": {
"dataTemplate": {
"units": [
"id": "8D679D3811D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Country",
"type": "attribute"
"id": "8D679D3611D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Catalog",
"type": "attribute"
"id": "8D679D3511D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Call Center",
"type": "attribute"
"id": "8D679D5211D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Distribution Center",
"type": "attribute"
"id": "8D679D4F11D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Subcategory",
"type": "attribute"
"type": "metrics",
"elements": [
"id": "7FD5B69611D5AC76C000D98A4CC5F24F",
"name": "Cost",
"subType": "metric"
"id": "D823D64B48A0104B01135587BA87A2BD",
"name": "Cost Growth",
"subType": "metric"
"id": "381980B211D40BC8C000C8906B98494F",
"name": "Discount",
"subType": "metric"
"filter": {}
"datamartOptions": {
"append": true,
"targetSource": {
"objectId": "05AC49F849389A20A6C9C19A3105A69B",
"subType": "db_role",
"name": "Statistics"
"tableName": "MD_TEST",
"placeholderIncluded": true,
"datamartProperties": {
"[DatamartProperties].[Create Table Post String]": {
"name": "Create Table Post String",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Insert SQLs]": {
"name": "Insert SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Execution Time]": {
"name": "Maximum Execution Time",
"value": "0",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Maximum Rows]": {
"name": "Maximum Rows",
"value": "65536",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Post SQLs]": {
"name": "Post SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Pre SQLs]": {
"name": "Pre SQLs",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Descriptor]": {
"name": "Table Descriptor",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "object"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Option]": {
"name": "Table Option",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "default"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Prefix]": {
"name": "Table Prefix",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "default"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Qualifier]": {
"name": "Table Qualifier",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "default"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Space]": {
"name": "Table Space",
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"resolvedLocation": "default"
"[DatamartProperties].[Table Type]": {
"name": "Table Type",
"value": "0",
"type": "int32",
"resolvedLocation": "default"

Response Code: 201 (A datamart is created successfully.)

The model for the definition of the datamart

The model for the definition of a datamart can be represented with the following fields.


objectId, dateCreated, dateModified, and versionId are generated automatically. Currently only en-US is available for primaryLocale.

  • (Required) information
    • (Required) name (String) - Name of the datamart. This is the most user-friendly value that can be used to identify the datamart.
    • subType (String) - The subType of datamart, which should be report_datamart.
    • (Required) destinationFolderId (String) - Folder Id where the new datamart is saved.
  • (Required) datamartOptions
    • append (Boolean) - This flag indicate whether to create a new table or append to the existing table every time report runs.
    • (Required) targetSource - The database instance instance where the table will be placed in.
    • (Required) tableName (String) - The name of the inserted table.
    • placeholderIncluded (Boolean) - The placeholders we support on table name. Details can be referred here.
    • datamartProperties - The datamart properties that are used to configure the table in warehouse.