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Create a prompt within a changeset


You can try out this workflow at REST API Playground.

Learn more about MicroStrategy REST API Playground here.

This workflow sample demonstrates how to create a new prompt object through the Modeling service.

  1. Create a changeset using POST /api/model/changesets
  2. Create a prompt using POST /api/model/prompts
  3. Commit a changeset using POST /api/model/changesets/{changesetId}/commit
  4. Delete a changeset using DELETE /api/model/changesets/{changesetId}

You want to create a new prompt object for the "Call Center in USA" prompt under a specific folder in the MicroStrategy Tutorial project. The folder object ID is 8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459. The project ID is B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754.


An authorization token allows the API layer to hide internal session-related implementations such as managing different project-specific sessions. Once the REST API layer has validated the user's credentials using the specified authentication mode, it initiates a session with the Intelligence server and creates a unique authorization token for the client.

Changesets are used in this workflow. For information on how to create and use changesets, see Changesets.


Get the authorization token needed to execute the request with POST /api/auth/login.

Get the project ID from GET /api/projects.

Create a prompt using POST /api/model/prompts

You want to create a "Call Center in USA" prompt of an attribute element prompt under a specific folder in the MicroStrategy Tutorial project. To create the prompt, you must submit the request body with the correct information. In "information", provide the "subType", "name", and "destinationFolderId" for the prompt you want to create.

If you are constructing the POST prompt request body based on the response of the GET prompt call of an existing prompt, be aware that any embedded objects ("isEmbedded":true) cannot be used to create a new prompt, as the embedded objects are only "local" to their owner.

Sample Request Header:

"accept": "application/json"
"X-MSTR-AuthToken": "bbjpsjos3b7ebokq9jdfvknska"
"X-MSTR-ProjectID": "B7CA92F04B9FAE8D941C3E9B7E0CD754"
"X-MSTR-MS-Changeset": "4E830DF576A24E4B9120455EE576EB51"
"Content-Type": "application/json"

Sample Request Body:

"information": {
"destinationFolderId": "8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459",
"subType": "prompt_elements",
"name": "Call Center in USA"
"title": "Call Center In USA",
"instruction": "Choose elements of Call Center.",
"question": {
"attribute": {
"objectId": "8D679D3511D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"subType": "attribute",
"name": "Call Center"
"listAllElements": false,
"filter": {
"objectId": "4C46C8CB43D1BCD0347E10BA3004E70D",
"subType": "filter",
"name": "CountryInUSA"
"defaultAnswer": {
"elements": [
"display": "Atlanta",
"elementId": "h1"
"display": "Washington, DC",
"elementId": "h5"
"display": "Salt Lake City",
"elementId": "h6"
"restriction": {
"required": false,
"allowPersonalAnswers": "none",
"min": 2,
"max": 5

Sample Curl:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "X-MSTR-AuthToken: bbjpsjos3b7ebokq9jdfvknska" -H "X-MSTR-MS-Changeset: 4E830DF576A24E4B9120455EE576EB51" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"information":{"destinationFolderId":"8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459","subType":"prompt_elements","name":"CallCenter_FilterInUSA_DefaultAnswers"},"title":"Call Center In UAS","instruction":"Choose elements of Call Center.","question":{"attribute":{"objectId":"8D679D3511D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4","subType":"attribute","name":"Call Center"},"listAllElements":false,"filter":{"objectId":"4C46C8CB43D1BCD0347E10BA3004E70D","subType":"filter","name":"CountryInUSA"}},"defaultAnswer":{"elements":[{"display":"Atlanta","elementId":"h1"},{"display":"Washington, DC","elementId":"h5"},{"display":"Salt Lake City","elementId":"h6"}]},"restriction":{"required":false,"allowPersonalAnswers":"none","min":2,"max":5}}'

Sample Response Body:

You can view the new prompt's definition in the body of the response.

"information": {
"versionId": "24915328E8884E26B1A4155BD6C87741",
"primaryLocale": "en-US",
"objectId": "7EBD3A41BC8049FF984E51511BE60FD7",
"subType": "prompt_elements",
"name": "Call Center in USA",
"destinationFolderId": "8A1831FF494F528D02A4A8BF5FB73459"
"title": "Call Center In USA",
"instruction": "Choose elements of Call Center.",
"question": {
"attribute": {
"objectId": "8D679D3511D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"subType": "attribute",
"name": "Call Center"
"listAllElements": false,
"filter": {
"objectId": "4C46C8CB43D1BCD0347E10BA3004E70D",
"subType": "filter",
"name": "CountryInUSA"
"defaultAnswer": {
"elements": [
"display": "Atlanta",
"elementId": "h1"
"display": "Washington, DC",
"elementId": "h5"
"display": "Salt Lake City",
"elementId": "h6"
"restriction": {
"required": false,
"allowPersonalAnswers": "none",
"min": 2,
"max": 5

Response Code: 201 (A new prompt is created successfully in the changeset.)