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Destroy visualizations on a page

Available since 2021 Update 9 (May 2023)


After using Native Embedding SDK to embed multiple visualizations in a client's webpage, you can also destroy them to clear your page, or embed the visualizations from another dossier.

Example code

Let's say you already have MstrEnvironment and MstrDossier objects:

try {
const mstrEnvironment = await microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments.create({
serverUrl: "",
getAuthToken: () => {
// Logic similar to the existing Native Embedding SDK
const mstrDossier = await mstrEnvironment.loadDossier({
projectId: "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
objectId: "D9AB379D11EC92C1D9DC0080EFD415BB",
await mstrDossier.refresh([
key: "K66",
container: document.getElementById("container1"),
// Your custom logic
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code

To destroy the embedded visualizations, you can destroy the MstrDossier object that owns them:

try {
await mstrEnvironment.unloadDossier(mstrDossier);
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code

or destroy the MstrEnvironment object that owns these visualizations:

try {
await microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments(mstrEnvironment);
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code


This piece of code contains a function from the following namespace and classes:

  • microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments Namespace

    This namespace is responsible for creating and destroying MstrEnvironment objects.

  • MstrEnvironment Class

    This class is the object returned from the microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments.create() function, which is responsible for creating and destroying MstrDossier objects.

  • MstrDossier Class

    This class is returned from the MstrEnvironment.loadDossier() function, which is responsible for showing visualizations in containers.