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MstrDossier class

Available since 2021 Update 9 (May 2023)

The object returned from the MstrEnvironment.loadDossier() function, which allows access to the MicroStrategy dashboard object.


The show visualizations API


async refresh(props)

Input Parameters

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionIs Required
propsArrayThis parameter cannot be empty. It describes the visualizations that must appear on the page. Each visualization must have a valid container. If you call refresh() for a second time, the visualizations rendered in the former refresh() call are destroyed first, then all the visualizations specified in the second refresh() call are shown on page by page.true
props[i].keyStringThe visualization key id.true
props[i].containerHTMLElementThe HTML element used for displaying the visualization. The HTML element must be in the current DOM tree of the client’s page. All elements must exist and cannot be in iframes. The Node.contains() function is used to determine this and is compatible with all browsers.true


This API returns a promise object that resolves to nothing.


try {
const environment = await microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments.create({
serverUrl: "",
getAuthToken: () => {
// Logic similar to the existing Native Embedding SDK.
const dossier = await environment.loadDossier({
projectId: "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
objectId: "D9AB379D11EC92C1D9DC0080EFD415BB",
// Begin here
const containerHtmlElement = document.getElementById("containerA");
await dossier.refresh([
key: "K66",
container: containerHtmlElement,
// Your own code after the visualizations are all loaded
} catch (error) {
// Add your own handling logic here

API Errors

Error CaseError CategoryHandling ModuleError Handling
The input parameter fails input validationInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The user wants to show more than one visualization in one container in input paramsInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The user wants to show one visualization in multiple containersInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
Visualization key isn't a valid visualization key in the dashboardInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The container isn’t a valid HTML element in the DOM treeInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
A container has children that are not shown in the visualizationInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
A container is occupied by other dossiersInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
Other REST API errorsOtherNative Embedding SDKCaught by the catch() of the promise object
The key is the visualization key of the visualization in the panelInvalid inputNative Embedding SDKconsole err message in console "The visualization ${VisualizationKey} is a visualization in a panel, which isn't supported."

The get information API

You can see the API at the Getting dashboard info via APIs document