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Getting dashboard info via APIs

Available since 2021 Update 9 (May 2023)

Filters can be applied both during the execution of an embedded dashboard and after it has been rendered. After using Native Embedding SDK to load the dashboard in a client's webpage, you can use the Native Embedding SDK to get the definition or data from the dashboard.

Let's say you already have MstrEnvironment and MstrDossier objects:

try {
const mstrEnvironment = await microstrategy.embeddingComponent.environments.create({
serverUrl: "",
getAuthToken: () => {
// Logic similar to the existing Native Embedding SDK
const mstrDossier = await mstrEnvironment.loadDossier({
projectId: "B19DEDCC11D4E0EFC000EB9495D0F44F",
objectId: "D9AB379D11EC92C1D9DC0080EFD415BB",
// Your custom logic
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code

Get dashboard definition

You can use the MstrDossier.getDossierDefinition() function in the Native Embedding SDK to retrieve the definition of the dashboard.

Return TypePromise<DossierDefinition>
DescriptionGet the definition of the dashboard.

MstrDossier.getDossierDefinition examples

try {
const dossierDefinition = await mstrDossier.getDossierDefinition();
// Your own code
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code
Example of the dashboard definition in the resolved value:
"id": "829F892C7C418AA0242AE08F0F6B89DE",
"name": "zdeng test dossier",
"currentChapter": "K36",
"chapters": [
"key": "K36",
"name": "Chapter 1",
"pages": [
"key": "K53",
"name": "Page 1",
"visualizations": [
"key": "K52",
"name": "Visualization 1",
"visualizationType": "grid"
"filters": []
"datasets": [
"name": "New Dataset 1",
"id": "84C31F8AD04B29C9A56616A7EF9669A4",
"availableObjects": [
"id": "8D679D5111D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"name": "Year",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "45C11FA478E745FEA08D781CEA190FE5",
"name": "ID",
"dataType": "integer",
"baseFormCategory": "ID",
"baseFormType": "number"
"id": "7FD5B69611D5AC76C000D98A4CC5F24F",
"name": "Cost",
"type": "metric"

Get visualization data

You can use the MstrDossier.getVisualizationData() function in the Native Embedding SDK to retrieve the data of a single visualization.

Return TypePromise<VisualizationData>
DescriptionGet the definition and data of a specific visualization.

MstrDossier.getVisualizationData examples

try {
const dossierDefinition = await mstrDossier.getVisualizationData({
visualizationKey: "K52", // visualization key, required
offset: 0, // data offset, optional
limit: 100, // data limit, optional
// Your own code
} catch (error) {
// Your own error handling code
Example of the visualization data in the resolved value:
"k": "K52",
"n": "Visualization 1",
"key": "K52",
"name": "Visualization 1",
"isGrid": true,
"visualizationType": "grid",
"definition": {
"grid": {
"crossTab": false,
"metricsPosition": {
"axis": "columns",
"index": 0
"rows": [
"name": "Year",
"id": "8D679D5111D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4",
"type": "attribute",
"forms": [
"id": "45C11FA478E745FEA08D781CEA190FE5",
"name": "ID",
"dataType": "integer",
"baseFormCategory": "ID",
"baseFormType": "number"
"elements": [
"formValues": ["2014"],
"id": "h2014;8D679D5111D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4"
"formValues": ["2015"],
"id": "h2015;8D679D5111D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4"
"formValues": ["2016"],
"id": "h2016;8D679D5111D3E4981000E787EC6DE8A4"
"columns": [
"name": "Metrics",
"id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"type": "templateMetrics",
"elements": [
"name": "Cost",
"id": "7FD5B69611D5AC76C000D98A4CC5F24F",
"type": "metric",
"min": 7343097.059599997,
"max": 12609466.811,
"dataType": "double",
"numberFormatting": {
"category": 1,
"decimalPlaces": 0,
"thousandSeparator": true,
"currencySymbol": "$",
"currencyPosition": 0,
"formatString": "\"$\"#,##0",
"negativeType": 1
"sorting": {
"rows": [],
"columns": [],
"pageBy": []
"thresholds": []
"data": {
"paging": {
"total": 3,
"current": 3,
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1000
"headers": {
"rows": [[0], [1], [2]],
"columns": [[0]]
"metricValues": {
"raw": [[7343097.059599997], [9777520.649800004], [12609466.811]],
"formatted": [["$7,343,097"], ["$9,777,521"], ["$12,609,467"]],
"extras": [[{}], [{}], [{}]]
"promptOrdering": []