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SAML and OIDC authentication APIs

To simplify the SAML and OIDC login workflow, we expose 2 new APIs microstrategy.auth.samlLogin(serverUrl) and microstrategy.auth.oidcLogin(serverUrl). You can see the examples in the playground.

The details of these 2 APIs are as below:



This API can be used to start the SAML login workflow on the embedding scenario.

Input Parameters

The input parameter serverUrl is the url of a Library server, which has configured the SAML login mode successfully.

Return type

This API would return a Promise object that resolves to a string, which is the auth token.


placeholder: document.getElementById("LibraryHomePageContainer"),
enableCustomAuthentication: true,
customAuthenticationType: microstrategy.dossier.CustomAuthenticationType.AUTH_TOKEN,
getLoginToken: () => microstrategy.auth.samlLogin("{YOUR_LIBRARY_SERVER_URL}"),

API errors

This API would have the wrong behavior or report an error in the cases below:

  • When serverUrl is not a Library server that supports SAML login.
  • When the client application can't get the MicroStrategy login window because of COOP setting is too strict.



This API can be used to start the OIDC login workflow on the embedding scenario.

Input Parameters

The input parameter serverUrl is the url of a Library server, which has configured the OIDC login mode successfully.

Return type

This API would return a Promise object that resolves to a string, which is the auth token.


placeholder: document.getElementById("LibraryHomePageContainer"),
enableCustomAuthentication: true,
customAuthenticationType: microstrategy.dossier.CustomAuthenticationType.AUTH_TOKEN,
getLoginToken: () => microstrategy.auth.oidcLogin("{YOUR_LIBRARY_SERVER_URL}"),

API errors

This API would have the wrong behavior or report an error in the cases below:

  • When serverUrl is not a Library server that supports OIDC login.
  • When the client application can't get the MicroStrategy login window because of COOP setting is too strict.